Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eclectic Reader Challenge 2012

I found one more challenge I want to join at Book'd Out! I just need to read one book from each of these genres by December 21st:

Literary Fiction
Crime/Mystery Fiction
Romantic Fiction
Historical Fiction
Young Adult
Science Fiction
Non Fiction
Your favourite genre

I'm not sure which books I'll read but it will definitely be fun to pull books off of my to be read pile from all these genres!

P.S. Loving Books Tattoo by Ricardo Cavolo.


Anonymous said...

Glad you decided to join The Eclectic Reader Challenge!
I look forward to seeing what you choose to read

Shelleyrae @ Book'd oUt

stephanie said...

Can I make a literary fiction and a nonfiction recommendation?

OK, I will, thanks.

Have you ever read The Bell Jar? If not, read that.


Wonder When You'll Miss Me by Amanda Davis


Half a Life by Darin Strauss

Columbine by Dave Cullen

Captain Nick Sparrow said...

I have The Bell Jar and Columbine in my tbr pile, so I will read them this year because of you. Thank you!