Friday, July 13, 2012

Project Life Week 17

A lot of school pictures this week! Looks like teaching is my life. Tuesday I took one more mural picture of a student who was absent on the day I took everyone else's. The desert was my favorite one too. Wednesday we did Play-Doh spelling. Thursday I had another student pass her timed test so we had McDonalds and she talked my ear off. So cute! That night I went to yoga. Friday we went on the lamest field trip of all time but at least it was free.

Here's a closer look at Monday. Strega Nona got a special visit from the pre-schoolers. She is a celebrity at my school!

Then it was Spring Break! Yay! I took this opportunity to use some goofy old letter stickers for my title. Somehow things I can't get to work in a traditional scrapbook look o.k. to me in a Project Life album.
Our nephew came for a visit on Saturday and played guitar. He's getting so good. I can't believe how much he's improved already since then.
We took the dogs for a walk on Sunday and coincidentally this was in the Sunday paper. I even cut the date out from the paper. Easy!
Monday I went for my annual! I always treat myself after. I got this post card at a book store that day to document the day.
Tuesday I knit with my friend Audrey at Starbucks. Corey called me a hipster.
Wednesday I had dinner with a friend I hadn't seen in awhile. Spring Break is my time to see friends I don't have time to see when I am totally consumed by school!
That's my week and a half!

P.S. Here is Nerd Nest's Week 17.

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